Sunday, June 21, 2009

Movie: Zombieland

I am not sure if we need another comedy zombie film.  Shaun of the Dead pretty much nailed it.

Part of it is that zombies are never about the zombies but about how people deal with it.  And they are something that normal people can deal with.  Zombies are dumb and (usually) slow.  You don't ned fancy weapons or planning.  Anything with an edge.  Also zombie movies are cheap to make (relatively).  Slap some makeup on and you have a zombie.

And they give a guiltless excuse to kill people in fanciful ways.  Because they are already dead.

I feel a bit bad for Jesse Eisenberg since he is going too be know as "the guy who isn't Micheal Cera."

(Note:  I still think there is room for a comedy zombie apocalypse tv series.  I still want Eliza Skinner to make it.  In part because I want to see what I look as a zombie.  In fact, I love playing zombies.  I will GLADLY play a zombie in any project anyone has.  Actually, now that I think of it, I will play any sort of mindless killing monster in any project any one has.)

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